


#Artificial intelligence

University of Waterloo - FullStack Developer

📅 2019-2020

🔗 Website
University of Waterloo

☁️ Tresorio is an eco-friendly cloud provider that reuse 100% of the heat generated by the servers.

Go, React, Typescript, Node.JS, Blender Plugin, Python, Gitlab CI/CD, Docker

  • I mainly worked on the Cloud rendering part, it's a Blender add-on that's open source.
  • I had to work on a Go backend server that renders Blender scenes.
  • I improved the performance, scalability and make it reusable before adding many new features to it.
  • I worked on a new Gitlab CI/CD pipeline for testing all micro-services.
  • I automated deployment for services (Go, React, Typescript, Python...).